For the past few years, I've been putting off my jewellery-making workshops partly because I couldn't find a venue that I liked. I thought about doing them at my flat, but there isn't enough space, and my two cats would probably end up demolishing all of the materials.
Behold the faces of destruction:
But finally, I found out about the Crafties, and it's just the nicest location you've ever seen. It's spacious and filled with all kinds of equipment and friendly people, so I thought it was finally time to get this ish started!
So, on this blog, you'll find updates on what's going on, such as workshop schedules (which you can see on the right-side column over there -->, as well as on regular posts), information about jewellery-making techniques, plus samples of students' work and more!
So, on this blog, you'll find updates on what's going on, such as workshop schedules (which you can see on the right-side column over there -->, as well as on regular posts), information about jewellery-making techniques, plus samples of students' work and more!
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